

インタビュー第1弾 https://youtu.be/AyG6V0iltFs 
インタビュー第2弾 https://youtu.be/uiVB5JQUkIM
インタビュー第3弾 https://youtu.be/YKcxO2DyS1U





原作・脚本 :原 泰久
監督・脚本 :佐藤信介
脚本 :黒岩 勉

信 :山﨑 賢人
嬴政/漂 :吉沢 亮
楊端和 :長澤 まさみ
河了貂 :橋本 環奈
成蟜 :本郷 奏多
壁 :満島 真之介
昌文君 :髙嶋 政宏
騰 :要 潤
王騎 :大沢 たかお


©原泰久/集英社 ©2019 映画「キングダム」製作委員会

#キングダム #山﨑賢人 #吉沢亮 #橋本環奈 #長澤まさみ #ソニーピクチャーズエンタテインメント


  1. My opinion is purely subjective. Usually, when I turn on the movie, I somehow get a feeling – it catches or not. If it catches from the first frame, I watch the movie until the end. Sometimes I rewatch a movie from a certain place, sometimes from the very beginning. The main thing when watching a movie , I shouldn 't see the actors . And God forbid – the game. Such films have a certain list for me – unnecessary. As for this film, I don't see a single actor here. I look and see a panorama, history, culture, events. I watch and empathize, cry, rejoice, hate, regret. Then I rewind and watch it again. But no matter how hard I strain my eyes at the end , I don 't see any actors . This is the director's aerobatics! Shinsuke Sato is a genius!!!! . Yes, there is a lot of speculation and fiction in historical cinema today. But this film reflects the formation of the state itself, Japan itself – this is important.To see the origins , to penetrate the feeling that Japan is not a fairy tale , but ,musical arrangement . This is generally a separate topic for conversation. Unimaginably, harmoniously, sensually, from the first beat, from the first note, from the first chord.Music in unison with the characters , with the events .Unbelievably.. I sincerely thank the composer – Yutaka Yamada. .There is no limit to admiration .It is music that is able to emphasize , draw an invisible line in the feeling .A real pleasure.The cast , the costumes – it seems that someone has returned to the past to borrow those clothes , those very people . And they agreed to borrow it, so that they would be remembered. The film – from beginning to end in one breath❤️👌🏻🏵️💎

  2. こんな顔綺麗だけど、ちゃんと演技上手くてすごい……

  3. けんけんとお亮がカップルにしか見えない(⑉ˊo̴̶̷̤ ̫o̴̶̷̤ˋ⑉)好きです尊いです!!

  4. やっぱ国産は国産で仕上げていってほしいよね。



  5. キングダム今度4回目観に行きます笑笑完全にハマりすぎてやばいです。いまアニメも観進めてます!3、楽しみにしてます!舞台挨拶当ててやります!!笑

  6. もう見慣れたけど最強の顔面が並んでる

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