(English translation below)

Astrology (占星術)的にさそり座の満月は、人に見せたくない心に隠しているshadow 「影」の部分に光を当てるように導いてくれるとともに、不必要なものや考え方を手放したり、生まれ変わるような気持ちで、なりたい自分へ向けて心を開放し、浄化する、とてもいい機会になると言われています。







Something drew me to the Full moon last night, a deep pull to pay more attention and a curiosity to see what may surface…According to astrology the full moon in Scorpio is an invitation to allow the deepest shadow aspects of yourself to rise to the surface, giving you the opportunity for deep healing, release, and transformation. I read that these energies of Scorpio will be with us for the next few weeks…If you’re interested here are some of the journaling prompts I’m using:

What feelings are rising up for me now?

What parts of me need healing?

What is my intuition telling me?

What areas in my life have I not been following my intuition?

What loving affirmations can I give myself right now.
“I am ______”

#astrology #fullmoon #flowermoon #scorpio

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.