Last night🌟 I wanted to thank everyone for making this beautiful art on stage: Helgi, Felipe, the whole staff, and Angelo. But I want to give a big applause to the dancers 👏👏👏 for making it through this challenging season coming out of COVID lockdown. Also, bravo to 30 swans of ladies working very hard to keep Swan Lake going! The togetherness you bring is so powerful! I feel very lucky to be a part of this beautiful collaboration. Thank you 💛

昨夜の白鳥の湖🦢 バレエ団全員で作り上げるって本当に素晴らしい。このバレエで踊れることに感謝。コールドの30羽の白鳥達は毎回リハーサル、本番と大変。拍手を送りたい。

#swanlake #company #togther #ballet #ballerina #白鳥の湖 #ballerinalife #happy #happiness #dance #art #幸せ #バレエ #バレリーナ #rehearsal #work #サンフランシスコバレエ


WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.