






[Determined by one curl] [Easy styling]
You can get nice hair like returning from the salon just by curling it ♪

★ Those who are worried about cutting! !!

☑︎ If you add a layer, the straight style will be
It’s no longer cute.
☑︎ Heavy and difficult to wind
☑︎ I want to get rid of
☑︎ I don’t know the cut that suits me.
☑︎ I want to make bangs, but I’m worried if it suits me. .. .. ..
☑︎ I’m worried about the squishy hair tips.

Please contact us once!
Let’s find a hairstyle that suits you together ♪

★ Those who are worried about habitual hair! !!
☑︎ When I curly my bangs, it became too straight.
☑︎ You can take it immediately even if you roll it.
☑︎ When I curly my hair, it became fluffy.
☑︎ I can’t really feel straightening my hair.
☑︎ Even if I curly my hair, I got it in about 3 months.
☑︎ I want to straighten my hair, but I’m worried. .. ..
☑︎ I’m worried about the dry hair tips

More than 80% of my customers come to the store because of their habitual hair!
Please try my original hair straightening [Care Straight] that matches your hair quality and damage without any damage.

東京 美容院/原宿 美容院/表参道 美容院/東京 縮毛矯正/原宿 縮毛矯正/表参道 縮毛矯正/前髪カット/ショート/メンテナンスカット/ボブ/切りっぱなしボブ/ハイライト/インナーカラー/前髪インナー/イルミナカラー/東京 ストレートパーマ/原宿 ストレートパーマ/表参道 ストレートパーマ/前髪 縮毛矯正/前髪 ストレートパーマ/原宿 髪質改善/表参道 髪質改善/原宿 髪質改善/超音波トリートメント/シースルーぱっつん/2wayバング/韓国風前髪/ワンホンヘア/高校生人気 髪型/10代 髪型/20代 髪型/30代 髪型/8トーン/センターパート/波巻きパーマ/人気 髪型

#表参道#原宿#韓国ヘア #ワンホンヘアー #美容院#レイヤーカット#ボブ#小顔カット#グレージュ#ケアストレート

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.

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