本年もEXILE ATSUSHIをよろしくお願いいたします♬









あと、エピソードトークの中で、なんでこの話言わなかったんだろうって思ったのが、キャプテンと3人でお話しさせていただいた、当時の悩み。そしてシンガポールまで会いに伺った時に、悩みを聞いてくださった時の思い出。毎回会長に相談すると、相談してる最中から、会長の悩みや生きてる世界線が凄すぎて、自分の悩みが本当にちっぽけに思えて、話しながら、”オレなんでこんなことで会長に相談してるんだろう…” って恥ずかしくなっていたことを思い出しました。

松浦会長、HIROさん、その他にもたくさんのスタッフの方々がいなければ今のEXILE ATSUSHIはいないのは、ボクが1番よく分かっています。


I wish you all a Happy New Year and I want to thank you for your continuous support.

An interview I did with Chairman Mr. Matsuura.
I heard many interesting stories from him.
And because I used to live right in front of his room for a few, I might be pretty good friends then ya’ll might think lol.

Sometimes a knock and run ? I guess there’s no need for you to run away. lol

Not to mention, I’m sorry … I pretended to be out maybe like two times and ignored when you rang the bell lol Looking at the time, I guessed that you were probably heavily drunk ? But I called your staff right away to get an update so please forgive me lol

These days are irreplaceable….
No one had a clue about Covid during this time.

I would be more than happy to join you so please invite me when the time settles down a little.

During this conversation I forgot to mention about the talk I had with you and captain. The memories of when I visited you in Singapore. I had concerns at that time but my problems were so small compared to yours, I still remember feeling stupid for asking for your advice.

Without the support from you, Mr. Matsuura , Hiro san and all the staff members, there would be no EXILE ATSUSHI in this universe, and I understand that
the most.

Thank you again for all you’ve done for me til now and please continue to look after me in the future.

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.

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