#WearAMask Challenge started from the director general of @who @drtedros on Twitter.

@filippograndi UN High Commissioner for Refugees accepted the challenge and now passed it to us ambassadors.

Wearing a mask is not only to protect yourself but also the way you show your respect to other people around you and the way you show that you care of other people.

I nominate a person who I respect and who is the best to spread “good” words in the whole world the one and only @samuelljackson 🙏🏻

Everyone can also post a pic with a mask and this hashtag #WearAMask so that we can show that we care about others again.

Let’s get over this fxxkin virus srsly.


ツイッターではじまった「マスクをつけよう」チャレンジ、WHO のテドロス氏からはじまり、UNICEFチーフのヘンリエッタ氏、そして我らが UNCHR リーダーのフィリッポ高等弁務官から、僕たち親善大使へまわってきました。



というわけで、僕に知る限り世界で一番説得力のあるサミュエル氏にパスしたいと思います。 @samuelljackson マスクつけろ、マ○ファカ〜!

皆も、#WearAMask をつけて写真を投稿してみてね。改めて、マスクの重要性と周りの人へのリスペクトの再確認のために。



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