Cooling my feet in the ocean after running for an hour without stopping today! As a ballet dancer I have to be very careful running and I never trained for it so I’m super slow like a turtle 🐢 But I’m very happy I didn’t give up or stop today ✊🏻 Turtle can succeed too 😉 I remember I was the slowest to run in my high school class (everyone was Olympic level athletes😎) so my best friend who was a synchronized swimmer and I practice running on our off time to catch up to everyone 🏃🏻‍♀️ I’m still slow but I can run longer now! 今日は1時間走った後に冷たい海の水でアイシング。バレエダンサーは走るのはすごい気をつけなければいけないので私は走るのが亀みたいに遅いです。四天王高校時代にクラスメイトがみんなトップアスリートでジョギングについていけず、親友 @neconecosun と一緒に練習のために境内を走ったのが懐かしい😊 今でもスピードは変わりませんが長くは走れるようになったかな👍 #shelterinplace #ballet #ballerina #ballerinalife #happy #happiness #dance #art #幸せ #バレエ #バレリーナ #rehearsal #work #season #covid_19 #shelterinnplacelife #サンフランシスコ #屋内避難生活 #class #run #memory #socialdistance #ocean

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.