We’ll do our best! 昨晩、UNHCRフィリッポ代表のもとに世界中の親善大使が集いました。こうしている間も戦争や紛争は続き、僕たちよりも厳しい環境での生活を強いられている人たちがいる。その事は忘れずに、僕たち一人一人に出来ることをやっていこう。がんばろう!#Repost @refugees
In this together! ⁣

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassadors and High Profile supporters talked to our High Commissioner to talk about how we can support forcibly displaced communities as the coronavirus pandemic affects everyone.⁣

Repost @filippograndi: Big thanks to #UNHCR committed goodwill ambassadors and high profile supporters around the world – including former refugees – for joining me via Zoom to discuss how we can help protect vulnerable communities and especially #refugees and those hosting them against the #coronavirus pandemic and its consequences. ⠀⁣
We count on your solidarity and action. I am inspired and grateful! ⠀⁣
Thank you to to our supporters, including #CateBlanchett, @BenStiller, @barbarahendricksofficial, @Iamkristindavis, @KHosseini, @Prayalundberg, @Nomzamo_m, @emibattuta, @KindaAlloush, @NadineLabaki, @MahirahKhan, @ponchohd, @asmir1, @mesopotami, @hannagabrielsofficial, @kai_galway, @official2baba, @ItsBettyG, @atomaraullo, @davidmorrissey, @douglasbooth, @gugumbatharaw, @helenachristensen, @KatGraham, @LeanneManas, @ghazalmia, @Miyavi_ishihara, @Rizahmed, @Stanleytucci, @Mercymasikamuguro, @rosiannahalserojas, @rimaalsabah2, @Winstonmarshall, @maherzainofficial and @Tanyaburr. ⠀⁣

#UNHCR #WithRefugees #refugees

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