My first official performance with San Francisco Ballet was beyond special last night in Copenhagen. I got to dance my favorite ballet with my favorite partner to my director’s choreography in front of European audience and the queen of Denmark. Since I joined San Francisco Ballet, I have been so inspired watching everyone in the company. Working and creating this beautiful art form together with beautiful artists and stuff is my dream come true. Thank you 💕
サンフランシスコバレエ正式団員として初めての舞台がコペンハーゲンツアーの初日、大好きなロミオとジュリエット、大好きなパートナーと、監督の振り付けをヨーロッパのお客様とデンマーク女王の前で、素敵なバレエ団のみんなとの共演。本当にサンフランシスコバレエに来て幸せ。#ballet #ballerina #ballerinalife #happy #happiness #dance #art #幸せ #バレエ #バレリーナ #rehearsal #travellife #work #tour #romeoandjuliet #sfballet #openingnight #copenhagen
#wroldtraveler #travellife #fly

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.