『VOGUE JAPAN』の創刊20周年を記念して、写真家のユルゲン・テラーが来日し、3日間連続で撮影を行った。2019年の東京は、彼の心にどのように映ったのか。街で出逢ったクリエイターたちやポップなカルチャーを写した全46ページにわたるファッションストーリーはお見逃しなく✨
The December issue of VOGUE JAPAN celebrates our 20th anniversary with a very special fashion story “THREE DAYS IN TOKYO” taken by the legendary photographer Juergen Teller. Don’t miss our December issue on sale on the 28th of October!
Photographer: #JuergenTeller
Fashion Editors: @SissyVian
Creative Partner: @doviledrizyte
Photo Assistant: #KarinXiao
Hair: Taku and Tano at @__cutters__
Makeup: @ayaminishimura
Manicure: @takano_naoko and #hitomisakamoto
Casting: @pg_dmcasting
Model: @warukatta wearing a coat, jumpsuit, shoes and hat from @moncler
Production: @kitten_production
Local Production: @tokyoact2
Post Production: #CatalinPlesa
Sittings Editors: @saori_vj @yuisugiyama
Stylist Assitants: @camillasossi @cecibro @benedettabaruffi #itsukawatanabe, #emisato and #mayukaharuna
#voguejapan #decemberissue #juergenteller

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.