9月29日は招き猫の日🐈 「来る(9)ふ(2)く(9)」の語呂合わせから制定されたそう。写真は「招き猫」発祥の地とも言われている豪徳寺。願いが叶って返納された招き猫たちがずらりと並ぶ様子は圧巻!
September 29 is the “Maneki-neko” (Lucky Cat) day in Japan🐈 This is because the numbers “9-2-9” can be read as “kuru-fuku” in Japanese, which means “fortune coming”. This is a picture of Gotoku-ji Temple, the birthplace of “Maneki-neko”. If the wishes come true, they are returned to the temple. What an astounding view!
Photo: Getty Images
#voguejapan #voguejapantrip ##gotokuji #japanesetemple ##beckoningcat #招き猫の日 #招き猫 #招猫殿 #豪徳寺

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.