憧れのスタイルリーダーは、どんなふうに時計を着こなす?『VOGUE JAPAN』8月号の新作時計カタログには、畠山千明が登場。最新別冊を参考に、今の自分に似合う時計を探して✨
The latest August issue of VOGUE JAPAN comes with our annual watch catalog. Don’t miss this opportunity to find the latest cool watches!
Photos: @henriquegendre
Styling: @rena_semba
Model: @hatakeyama_chiaki wearing a watch, rings, earrings, necklace from @cartier, jacket from @mine_denim & bodysuit and knee-high socks from @_overneath_
Hair: @noritakabayashi
Makeup: @tomohiro1820
Manicure: @takano_naoko
Digital Retouching: @taugeretouch
#voguejapan #augustissue

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.