いい時間が過ごせました。僕は既にぬか漬けをやっているんだけど、店主にぬか床を分けてもらって、まっけんもぬか漬け始めるみたいです。ここに、ぬか漬け同盟が生まれました。笑 また飯に行ってお互いを高め合おう🐎🔥
Went out for dinner for the first time with just the two of us.
We spent a great and comfy time at a Japanese Restaurant.
I already have a “nukadoko” He didn’t have one. He really wanted to start making “nukazuke” (Japanese rice bran pickles), so the master of this restaurant gave him “nukadoko” which is the base of salted rice bran for making “nukazuke”.
We hereby have become members of the Nukazuke Alliance!!!! lol
Hope to go out again soon with this great actor!🐎🔥

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.