My 2 weeks of Boston Ballet fall break is over. It was super well spent with full of dancing. Sleeping beauty rehearsal in Tokyo-Osaka, galas in Germany and Singapore. I had no day off except when I was on the plane but I’m really fulfilled and inspired! First day back at Boston Ballet ✌🏻ボストンバレエの秋休みは飛行機移動以外は休みなしでずっとリハや舞台続きでした。忙しくて慌しかったけど充実した2週間でした。今日からボストンバレエのリハーサル開始!#ballet #ballerina #ballerinalife #travellife #worldtraveler #happy #幸せ #バレリーナ #バレエ #旅 #客演 #gala @esplanadesingapore #japan #dansfestival2018 #dansfestival #germany #corsaire

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.